Saturday, July 28, 2012

Practice and Time

To be a great decorative painter, like doing anything well, takes practice and time. 

I started Decorative Painting, originally called Tole Painting, when I was 18. I'm 50 now so that's 32 years! I've still got a lot to learn and in this blog I hope we will learn together.  I'll share what I'm working on, tips and tricks, observations, struggles, triumphs, and I'll ask for your input along the way.

I was attracted to tole painting because of my Norwegian roots.  Growing up our house had several plates with Rosemaling on them.  I have many of those pieces still.  Oh! there's another blog topic.  Anyway, I wanted to learn how to paint those intricate stroke work patterns.   

My first tole painting class taught me the basics, dip dots, Dolly Parton hearts, hey, that's what they called them and comma strokes. This simple ruler taught me lessons that I still use today.   Do you still have your 1st project? 

And now a challenge, as my opening says it takes time and practice to be a great painter;  so my challenge to you and for myself is to paint for 15 minutes everyday.  Whether its 15 minutes in the morning, before your day begins, or just before you end your day to wined down, commit to painting something, anything. You'll be amazed at how much you actually get done.